Seriously ill and physically challenged children are among the most disadvantaged populations in our communities. Their plight extends far beyond their painful conditions themselves.
In addition to their illnesses and disabilities…
- Children with serious illness, physical/ mental disability, poverty or a sibling with one of these risk factors have a substantially increased rate of various negative life outcomes. These negative life outcomes are often dropping out of school, incarceration, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, alcoholism, and homelessness.
- Parents of a disabled child or a child with serious illness are nearly twice as likely to divorce than parents of children without illness or disabilities.
- Disabled children are at an increased risk of becoming victims of violence, as they are sought after by abusers, who view them as easy targets.
- Regular hospitalization restricts the amount of time children can spend with family and friends, while limiting their attendance at school.
This need both inspired the mission of Chad Greenway’s Lead the Way Foundation and necessitated its numerous ongoing outreach programs.
